
dirty jeans.

grace falls
impurity seeps in
and i am caught

an entrapment
fed by selfishness
held together
by my humaness

my inability
to unblind myself
and not
wear my dark glasses

cut the cords that bind
dig into my skin
yet beloved

by me

picking at the thorns
that i myself grew
wondering where are the roses
that never bloomed

forever seeing
constantly forgetting

my own dear conspiracy
is played upon my soul

written by an unwilling hand
and guided by an uncautious heart

grace has fallen
impurity seeps in

craziness in my brain
wars against
the solid reason
i choose to ignore

change sinks into the quicksand
of time

my knees are scraped
i wipe my hands
on my dirty jeans
shrug my shoulders

and wish

that this was not me.

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