
sometimes i wonder if i should be as frank and honest as i always am in my writing. if i should peel off the layers one by one...letting the fragrance of my petals that slowly fall down drift to you, allowing you to see what has grown from the seeds planted so long ago.

when one is hesitant it is usually from some type of fear. whether it be healthy fear or pure nonsense only you can tell. so i've decided that my hesitancy is pure nonsense. read what you like, comment on whatever you want, and perhaps this journey of mine, where i trip and fall endlessly on my yellow brick road, will entice you to move forward, to dream...to let go when necessary, cry when needed and laugh always.

thanks to each of you, dear friends. you have made my life so much more the better and prodded along my heart and will to keep living each day as it may come.

besos y abrazos...


1 comment:

Rae said...

i cant find you!!!!!!!11